It's worth a shot, maybe I can get a hold of someone on the other end…
“H..bshhhh….! …at..shht …n.. bshhhhhhhht… with…zzzzzshhhhhhht..?”
“Please can you help me!? I think somethings wrong with the train and I'm all alone in here!”
“...rry bshhht…he..shht yo…bshhhhhhhtt….. zzshhhhht…his shhht! Ple..bshhhht… zzzzshhhht…elp shht…bzzzt… el..bshht…!”
Ugh whatever, I can never tell what they're saying anyways I don't know why I thought that would ever work…
I go back over and sit back down in my seat, feeling at a loss for what to do next.